Parsing IPv4 addresses in elm
2018-12-29 (Last updated on 2018-12-29)
The elm parser has problems when trying to parse an integer number followed by a dot ("."), issue 14 describes this problem.
There is a nice solution on the elm discourse platform from dmy, which also demonstrates how to chomp a string using chompWhile and getChompedString.
Full code:
module Main exposing (main)
import Html exposing (text)
import Parser exposing (Parser, (|=), (|.), symbol)
type alias IPv4 =
{ a : Int
, b : Int
, c : Int
, d : Int
, mask : Int
intRange : Int -> Int -> Parser Int
intRange from to =
Parser.getChompedString (Parser.chompWhile Char.isDigit)
|> Parser.andThen (checkRange from to)
checkRange : Int -> Int -> String -> Parser Int
checkRange from to str =
case String.toInt str of
Just n ->
if n >= from && n <= to then
Parser.succeed n
rangeProblem from to
Nothing ->
rangeProblem from to
rangeProblem : Int -> Int -> Parser a
rangeProblem from to =
[ "expected a number between"
, String.fromInt from
, "and"
, String.fromInt to
|> String.join " "
|> Parser.problem
ipv4 : Parser IPv4
ipv4 =
Parser.succeed IPv4
|= intRange 0 255
|. symbol "."
|= intRange 0 255
|. symbol "."
|= intRange 0 255
|. symbol "."
|= intRange 0 255
|. symbol "/"
|= intRange 0 32
main = ipv4 ""
|> Debug.toString
|> text