marc walter

Require a local node.js module from an unknown parent folder


Require code somewhere upwards in the file tree without knowing the specific number of parent folders needed.
The tree is traversed synchronously.
Code is available on github.


Instead of writing code like this:

try {
  var abc = require('./abc.js');
} catch (ex) {
  try {
    abc = require('../../abc.js');
  } catch (err) {
    abc = require('../../../abc.js');

I rather want to write something like this:

var requireUp = require('require-upwards');
var abc = requireUp('abc.js');

Limiting the number of checked folders

Version 1.1 adds an optional parameter to limit the maximum number of iterations.

Given this folder structure:


When starting from the folder fixtures/11/baum

requireUp('fix.js', 1)
# will throw an Error
requireUp('fix.js', 2)
# will return the content of fixtures/fix.js


Unit tests are located in the folder ./test. To run them, execute

npm run test --silent